About Us

The group takes pride in being an active part of committee of Bureau of Indian Standards for hydraulic brake fluid ,automative and Industrial coolants and lubricants.Besides the above products our in-house research and development team of Specialists engineers and technicians are constantly striving to enhance the quality and performance of our products to adhere the required standard and also achieve customized standards as per requirements.
With continuous evaluation, emphasis on new developments modernization and stringent quality control practices and dedicated Research and Development infrastructure; Swastik group become the first Indian company to be approved by Ministry of Defence(India) for our product fuel system Icing inhibitor AL-4 1 & AL-31.

build. That’s how we’d like the world to be.
Reputed Clientele

Quality Certification
Our Laboratories are equipped in compliance to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certification.We have Quality Control,Quality Assurance and Research and Development laboratories equipped with leading instruments(NABL accredited) and facilities where we maintain the highest standards for our equality systems.Our laboratory has been approved by the Indian Defence Authorities like DGAQA,DGQA & CEMILAC.
Over and above our unit is regularly involved with testing of our products like Hydraulic Brake fluid(DOT-3,DOT-4,DOT-5.1) regularly with other accredited laboratories like The Automotive Research Association of India(ARAI)